Double Consonants

The double consonants are the third group of letters to master. Just like the previous vowels and consonants, these are also relatively easy letters to memorize and pronounce. To properly pronounce these consonants, just read the romanization letter with a very heavy emphasis as if you are pronouncing the sound of the letter with an exclamation point at the end.

For example, you would read ㅆ as “SS!” (or a like very angry snake hissing “no!” at you).

Below are the 5 double consonants found in the Korean alphabet.

ㄲ (gg)
gg (initial sound)
k (final sound)
sounds found in the words “great” and “back

ㄸ (dd)
dd (initial sound)
t (final sound)
sounds found in the words “desk” and “bat

ㅃ (bb)
bb (initial sound)
pp (final final)
sounds found in the words “brain” and “snap

ㅆ (ss)
ss (initial sound)
t (final sound)
sounds found in the words “smile” and “rat

ㅉ (jj)
jj (initial sound)
t (final sound)
sounds found in the words “joy” and “hat
Korean Double Consonants


Consonants  |  Combined Vowels